Who are you perched on an upturned crate?
Staff entrance at the back of a restaurant.
Back of the restaurant, three crates and a bucket to sit on during a smoke break.
You can recognise these places easily by the utility door, cigarette butts on the ground, and something to perch on.
This is the secret place, where you pause during work—a moment of freedom from heat and steam—still tied to the kitchen until the shift ends.
In these work breaks, are you more like you? A chance to chat, and laugh? A moment to gaze out and feel you’ve escaped? A break from the performance?
Armchair outside staff quarters
By contrast, at the end of the day, a comfy armchair to fall into. With eyes closed in the sun, among the flowers.
Slower pace
Longer light
Burning embers.
Learning a little more about the rhythm of your day.
Photographs of Chabichou Hotel & Restaurant, Courchevel France were taken by me.