Want to quit? Put down the guilt bags.
Quitting doesn’t mean failure. Quitting can be a smart choice. Quitting can get rid of what you don’t need and create space. When you know where you are trying to get to, quitting may be the way there.
The Most Fabulous Stories are the Ones We Tell Ourselves- How to change your story.
The most fabulous stories are the everyday ones where we tell ourselves we are a victim or a hero without realising it’s just a story. Becoming aware then changing the story helps you realise it’s flexible, and just a thought.
Final Quarter. As the excitement builds.
Final Quarter
Preparations for the season ahead that include physical preparations and being kind to yourself
Challenging plans
Chosing a challenging landscape to reflect your plan and get it off a flat piece of paper
I might have been wrong about you. Cold shower on how I see things.
How to change your point of view
Using photography of local chain hotels to appreciate the structure, detail and story. An experiment to change point of view.