Lens on Life
Lens on Life
Understanding how we filter our view of the world
& how this can be really cool
So, this is a little experiment to understand how positive and negative filters work. How we only interpret a small part of what we see, according to our filters. Seeing things differently can give interest and depth to our experiences.
“No one really knows what they’re doing either”
Trying to think outside the box,
and improving my flexibility in thinking I followed a credit of a photograph to Amy Shore Photography. She has taken some awesome photographs and written an excellent article The Giant “How To” of Car Photography Inspired by this blog, which is as much about life as cars, I searched for cars to photograph.
Got nowhere. There are few cars around at the moment, and I turned to construction vehicles instead. However, in my mind was still the filter LOOK FOR CARS TO PHOTOGRAPH.
Whilst trying to take a picture of shadows on a bridge, a yellow car appeared. Apologies as I don’t know anything more than it’s yellow. My knowledge of cars is limited to being grateful they work, and the benefits of a small turning circle.
Wouldn’t normally have paid attention, but the filter kicked in and I was aware, ready and excited to take the opportunity.
This is how it works.
Being aware, and sometimes it all comes together.
As a suggestion for your experiment, try focusing on something new, outside the box. See how you filter the world through this new search. Understand how much of your world view is influenced by these filters, both positive and negative.
You can then begin the work of looking at which ones you hold without being aware.
Have Fun!
Amy Shore Photography links in blog
Filter is Blood Brothers from Freelightroompresets